Final evaluation of Community Alcohol Notification Systems (CANS)

Background and Program Approach The DFAT-supported, Prevention of Intimate Partner Violence Program (PIPV) seeks to reduce rates of IPV by promoting comprehensive primary prevention strategies and interventions that reduce or eliminate specific risk factors and strengthen or establish protective factors for the prevention of IPV.
To reduce alcohol abuse for the prevention of IPV, the Program supports the establishment of the Community Alcohol Notification Systems (CANS) in 30 communes in Kratie and Svay Rieng. The CANS is a commune level by-law, which sets limits on the sale, consumption, and advertising of alcohol at the community level.
Over the past eight months, partners have implemented the CANS in all 30 targeted communes. Embedded in the CANS is an assessment of community knowledge, attitudes and practice (KAP) on IPV and alcohol consumption through baseline and endline surveys showing some promising results.
TAF is seeking a qualified individual project evaluator (or team led by the project evaluator) to conduct an evaluation of the CANS in Kratie and Svay Rieng.
Goal and objectives of the Evaluation The main purpose of the evaluation is to analyze the success and challenges in the implementation of CANS; its impact on individuals and the greater community; and how knowledge, attitudes and behaviors have changed related to IPV and alcohol consumption. Results from the evaluation will inform criteria for expansion of the CANS model to other communes and what changes are needed to improve project delivery.
Output: The final report will be approximately 30 pages (excluding appendices) with a PowerPoint presentation summarizing key findings.
The consultancy will be for a period of approximately 30 working days between April and May  2017. The field work is to be conducted no later than the first week in April due to Khmer New Year.
Please contact [email protected] for a copy of the full Terms of Reference for the consultancy.  
Applications should be submitted by 6 March 2017.