​Youth of the week: Heom Seiha | Phnom Penh Post

Youth of the week: Heom Seiha


Publication date
09 January 2013 | 01:27 ICT

Reporter : Sakol Ven

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Heom Seiha. Photograph: Phnom Penh Post

Heom Seiha. Photograph: Phnom Penh Post

Learning is an ongoing process that spans a whole life. It brings a kind of knowledge people root since a young age.

Heom Seiha, 30, was born in rural Banthey Meanchey province. Currently, he is executive director at Entrepreneur Consulting.

He used to be a hardworking and smart student. After high school he decided to move to Phnom Penh to experience life in the city and keep studying there. 

But his dream soon fell apart.  Surrounded by the wrong people, Seiha soon forgot that the reason why he moved to Phnom Penh. He kept following courses at the university but his performance was poor.

He later recognized the mistake and managed to study hard again to major in teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL).

2004 has its lot of stories for him to remember. His commitment and well-timed management made him an outstanding student. His classmate named him the “second hand dictionary” for all the vocabulary they didn’t know.

He said:  “I get up in the early morning to memorize the lesson and new vocabulary,” says Seiha. “Beside this, my free time is homework and testing TOEFL exam from the TOEFL book exclude IBT version.”

At university, he got an almost perfect result. He also became a part-time teacher.

After graduation from university, he decided to challenge himself in the outside world and moved to Phnom Penh. He got help from his friend and lived happily under the roof of Chinese temple around Toul Songke. He taught English there.

Writing is one of his skills; he was selected to work as journalist for Economic Today. His new job in the media industry began in 2010 and was over in August 2011. While there, the Asia Pacific environmental program chose one of his articles about environment, which ranked third among the top 5.

He then became editor-in-chief in one local newspaper for 6 months before running his own business company: Entrepreneur Consulting.

On a last note, he would like to tell young people that good time management for studies is essential to can rank among the best with the right street-smart attitude. 

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