Secretary-general of the Council for the Development of Cambodia’s (CDC) Cambodia Investment Board (CIB) Chea Vuthy (right) greets Koh Kong Zhejiang SEZ executive director Zhu Zhangjin during a June 21 meeting. CDC
Koh Kong Zhejiang Special Economic Zone (SEZ), located in Koh Kong province’s Sre Ambel district, currently hosts 28 companies and has pledged to attract 100 more by the end of 2024, according to a June 21 press release from the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC).
According to the release, Koh Kong Zhejiang SEZ executive director Zhu Zhangjin made the announcement at a June 21 meeting between officials of the CDC and a delegation of 11 Chinese companies.
It said the businesses involved in the meeting operate in various sectors, including hotels, medicine, packaging materials (cardboard and plastic), chemicals, sponges and pencil and furniture manufacturing.
Zhu was quoted as saying the zone will soon begin constructing a language and technical skills training centre to support the government’s human resource development efforts.
He added that the advancement of the industry requires a sustainable electricity supply, a favourable transportation system and the attraction of more supporting industries to ensure a robust supply chain.
Secretary-general of the CDC’s Cambodia Investment Board (CIB) Chea Vuthy encouraged the companies to invest in Cambodia for mutual benefit, highlighting that the council has a China desk dedicated to providing advice and facilitation to Chinese investors. He also noted the growth of Chinese investment in Cambodia.
Vuthy acknowledged Zhu’s contribution to Cambodia’s socio-economic development through the establishment of two SEZs. The first, the Cambodian Zhejiang Guoji SEZ, is located in Sihanoukville’s Prey Nob district and was approved for operation in 2018. The second, Koh Kong Zhejiang SEZ, was approved for operation by the CDC in May this year.
Zhu noted that the Cambodian Zhejiang Guoji SEZ is currently full, with no further investment opportunities available.