The Czech Republic, the successor of former Czechoslovakia, celebrates 100 years of existence. The long-time partner of the Kingdom of Cambodia, widely known as "Czecho", has maintained friendly ties with Cambodia since the Kingdom achieved its independence.
In 1918 Czechoslovakia was recognized a new republic on the map of Europe. The current Czech Republic has become long-term, firm partner of Kingdom of Cambodia.
The Czech Republic has maintained diplomatic relations with Cambodia already for 62 years. The Czechs have always remained firm partners of the Kingdom.
Since 2010, Cambodia has become priority country for development cooperation. The running Bilateral Development Cooperation Program focuses on the three main priorities: health, education and water and sanitation. Through hand-in-hand cooperation with Cambodian partners, the program supports efforts to eradicate poverty and social inequalities, promote social stability and a healthy and quality life for Cambodian society.
Celebratory event to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Czechoslovakia took place on Friday 21 September 2018 at the premises of the French Institute, Phnom Penh. Exhibition commemorating this anniversary is accessible to interested parties in the Gallery of the French Institute until September 26, 2018.