Preah Sihanouk provincial fisheries administration officials confirmed that the dead sea dolphin found floating off Poy Yeay Mao shore was a 90kg male. It was found on the night of July 18 at Bit Traing commune’s Koki village of Prey Nop district.

Provincial Fisheries Administration director Em Phea told The Post on July 19 that closer inspection of the dolphin’s scars revealed that death was caused by fishing nets, similar to the type used by fishermen in the area.

“Its tail fins are broken and its head damaged. The mouth is cracked and it has fishing net wires stuck to its teeth. As the scars are from nets, we can conclude that this rare dolphin’s death was caused by fishing nets,” he said.

According to Phea, the sea dolphin is 2.24m long, 0.60m wide, and a rare species which is protected by sub-decree No. 123.

This species of dolphin likes to live and swim in groups that often appear in coastal areas of Cambodia during the rainy season, especially in Koh Pring and Koh Mouy islands in the Rong Archipelago, the official said.

However, Cambodia’s Fisheries Administration has not studied the number of dolphins in detail.

Phea added that after examining and recording the cause of death, officials decided to bury the dolphin on the beach near Poy Yeay Mao.