​Misdirected Blame | Phnom Penh Post

Misdirected Blame


Publication date
18 June 1993 | 07:00 ICT

Reporter : Michael Vickery

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John C. Brown's "'Victory' is Not Everything" (Post vol. 2, no. 12) deserves

compliments for the sensible way in which he put the election in proper perspective.

But in the end he blamed the wrong people for possibly misleading the Cambodian public

about 'winners' and 'losers'. It was not the international press, which few Cambodians

see, but UNTAC radio, which "all across Cambodia, citizens [were] glued to...".

Starting on Saturday night, May 29, UNTAC radio enthusiastically announced FUNCINPEC

was ahead in three provinces and Phnom Penh, and this was repeated several times

that night, although as Tim Carney cautioned in a broadcast the following morning,

that was only two percent of the total vote. Thereafter every day the total vote

of each major party and the number of provinces 'won' by each was emphasized and

the proportional process which would determine the number of seats was rarely noted.

This is what influenced the Cambodian public. The international pressmen may not

even have read the Paris Agreement or the electoral law, but the UNTAC Information

Component which runs UNTAC radio is loaded with Cambodia expertise, and they know

precisely what effect their work has on the Cambodian public.

Although it is true that "there has never been a 'loyal opposition' in Cambodia"

(indeed, for leaders in the 1960s 'golden age' to which so many wish to return, the

very idea of opposition was treasonable), Brown should not just blame Hun Sen for

misunderstanding the need for co-operation. Co-operation between the CPP and Prince

Ranariddh's FUNCINPEC in preparation for the election was nearly achieved last year.

The reasons for its failure are still unclear, but one great fear of Pol Pot, expressed

in his seminar of February 1992, was the possible defection of Prince Ranariddh to

Phnom Penh, and one of his major goals for the coming year was to prevent it.

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