The outgoing Japanese ambassador to Cambodia Mikami Masahiro met with Hun Sen at the Peace Palace on the afternoon of December 8. SPM
The outgoing Japanese ambassador to Cambodia Mikami Masahiro commended Prime Minister Hun Sen for bringing Cambodia peace and robust growth over the last 30 years.
Mikami made the remarks when he met with Hun Sen at the Peace Palace on the afternoon of December 8, according to a post on Hun Sen’s Facebook page.
Mikami congratulated Hun Sen on the success of hosting the ASEAN Summit and related meetings and preventing the spread of Covid-19.
He also thanked Hun Sen for his support for Ukraine against Russia’s invasion, his efforts to resolve the Myanmar crisis and strengthening and enhancing the relationship between Japan and Cambodia, which will lead to the two countries becoming “Comprehensive Strategic Partners” next year.
Mikami said that his diplomatic mission to the Kingdom had gone well and he felt it had the support and love of all of the people and private institutions of Cambodia.
He said Japan will continue to support Cambodia and is now participating in training Cambodian athletes in preparation for the SEA Games next year.
In response, Hun Sen thanked Mikami for working to enhance the relationship between their countries such as the docking of Japanese Self-Defence Force ships twice in Cambodia, arranging Hun Sen’s meeting with the Japanese prime minister once per year, arranging the visits and exchanges of Hun Manet to Japan, encouraging Japanese investors to invest in Cambodia and always being there to encourage all of the Japanese projects in Cambodia so that they could continue despite the Covid-19 pandemic.
Hun Sen briefed Mikami, telling him that his support for Ukraine in their conflict with Russia is a case of upholding the UN charter and international legal principles.
He also said that he had done his best to help Myanmar return to normal, but now Indonesia has taken over the chairmanship of ASEAN from Cambodia so now it will be Indonesia’s turn to take the lead on solving the Myanmar problem.