Pursat provincial governor Cheav Tay on February 18 instructed the One Window Service Unit to review billboards across the province. Any which are damaged should be replaced by their owners by March 1.
Tay said that in the case of road directional signs, it may be necessary to contract private companies to ensure that there is accurate signage indicating the direction and distance of different provinces, towns and districts.
He raised these points while chairing a working meeting on billboard preparation at the provincial hall.
The meeting was attended by the directors of all relevant departments and units and several company representatives.
Service unit director Thorn Sophearun said there were 241 billboards owned by 29 companies in the province, with a total size of 9,500m2. Applications had been submitted for licences for four new locations, he said, noting that no applications had been filed for the renewal of licences at the remaining locations.
Following discussion with company representatives and the various institutions in attendance, Tay summarised the discussions and made five recommendations.
First, the provincial administration must prepare notice that renewals of licences must be applied for no later than March 1.
Second, the representatives who attended the meeting must report to the business owners.
Third, the service unit should review directional signs across the province and make sure that they remain accurate.
Fourth, any billboards that are old, faded or torn must be replaced.
Finally, any company or institution which does not have license for their signs or fails to follow the administrations procedures and recommendations should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.