PANASONIC Asia Pacific Cambodia Branch launched Asia’s first radiant cooling air-conditioning system at Sokha Phnom Penh Hotel & Residence on Friday, June 24. This is a quantum leap in design, energy efficiency and cooling comfort. The company unveiled the new Elite Inverter product range consisting of the SKY SERIES Inverter Split Room Air-Conditioner.
The SKY SERIES signature design is the new SKY STREAM Design featuring SKYWING a new design the new name for the series. With the new flap design at the top and the new air intake at the bottom, it will draw hot air from the bottom and distribute cool air from the top to cool the ceiling and walls. This innovative cooling system uses the principle of the “Coanda effect” to cool down the room by removing the heat from ceilings and walls. Panasonic calls this “RADIANT COOLING.” Photo supplied