"Tela Khmer, a Cambodian Gas Station brand, held a signing ceremony for its new Brand Ambassador Ms Aok Sokunkanha, a renowned Cambodian singer. The event took place at Tela Khmer's Cham Karmon Gas Station on August 31, and was attended by members of Tela Khmer’s management team, customers, fans of Aok Sokunkanha and many distinguished guests."
Tela Khmer was extremely pleased to welcome Aok Sokunkanha, one of the Kingdom’s most beloved performers, as a member of the Tela Khmer family. As Brand Ambassador, Aok Sokunkanha will help promote Tela Khmer's Mission. The company is committed to contributing to the improvement of the livelihoods of all Cambodian people.
Oknha Chhun Vandy, Vice President of Tela Khmer, shared some of the company’s latest achievements, including the international-standard products that the company has introduced to compete in the Cambodian oil and gas market.
“Tela Khmer is pleased to introduce our KINETIX gasoline and diesel products, which feature the latest technology from the United States. These products offer four main benefits: better Engine Power, excellent engine cleaning, better mileage and accurate quantity with less foaming. Our LPG, branded as LPG Prime, has many special features such as faster ignition and better mileage."
Aok Sokunkanha said: "I especially appreciate this collaboration because Tela Khmer, as a Cambodian company, embodies the values I cherish the most, showing pride in Cambodian culture and caring for our society as a whole."
"Previously, I visited Tela Khmer stations as a regular customer, not as a Brand Ambassador. Each time I arrived, I was warmly welcomed with a traditional Khmer greeting. The environment was always pleasant, and the customer service was extremely comfortable and satisfying."
Sokunkanha added: "This experience has boosted my confidence and commitment to support, promote and enhance the reputation of Tela Khmer. As a Brand Ambassador, I am not just a representative; I am dedicated to participating in Tela Khmer’s Vision, shared common future and working together towards providing high-quality products and new technologies that meet international standards."
"The company takes great pride in providing international-standard quality products to serve the Cambodian people, backed by excellent service that reflects the values of Khmer culture. Embracing the vision of 'Khmer Love Khmer, Khmer Support Khmer,' the company is committed to contributing to the nation’s development and advancement, working towards a shared common future,” added Vice Price President Oknha Chhun Vandy.
Tela Khmer Brand has a long history dating back to the 1960s. At present, Tela Khmer is expanding its network of distribution stations for petroleum and gas products, including LPG, across the Kingdom of Cambodia."