The Covid-19 pandemic has taken a toll on people’s mental health with 44 per cent of Malaysians saying that their mental wellness has been affected since the pandemic began, according to a global survey conducted by Ipsos.

The survey found that 37 per cent of respondents were feeling down some of the time, while seven were feeling down all the time.

The poll, covering Covid-19 impact on wellness, was conducted from September 18-22 among 3,000 adults aged 18 years and above in Southeast Asia, comprising 500 individuals per country.

It also said that 47 per cent of Malaysians experienced no change in terms of mental wellness, while nine per cent were happier than before.

Malaysia is currently under the recovery movement control order (MCO), which has been extended until December 31.

Ipsos also found that Malaysia ranked better compared to its Southeast Asian peers, with the Philippines ranking the highest with 62 per cent of the respondents feeling they were either feeling down some or all of the time during the Covid-19 pandemic.

This is followed by Singapore (57 per cent), Thailand (56 per cent), Vietnam (54 per cent) and Indonesia (50 per cent).

It also found that 56 per cent of Malaysians have been less physically active since the pandemic hit, with 47 per cent doing less physical activity than usual and nine per cent not doing physical activities at all.

Some 55 per cent of respondents in Singapore have become less physically active during the Covid-19 pandemic, followed by Philippines (53 per cent) and Thailand (47 per cent), with Vietnam and Indonesia both recording 43 per cent.

In a separate poll, Ipsos also found that 55 per cent of Malaysians believe health and physical wellbeing are a key source of happiness.

This survey was conducted between July 24 and August 7, among 19,516 adults across 27 countries, with 500 Malaysians polled for it.