​5 Cool things with Vorn Makara | Phnom Penh Post

5 Cool things with Vorn Makara


Publication date
16 June 2010 | 08:00 ICT

Reporter : Vorn Makara

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TV show: Visiting Cambodia

There are so many choices on TV these days – with Khmer, English, Hong Kong and Chinese stations – that it can be difficult to decide what to watch when you get a few moments of free time. I always make sure to watch Visiting Cambodia on Sunday on Bayon TV. It is difficult for those of us without a lot of time or money to go visit all of the beautiful places in the Kingdom of Wonder; however, with this show we can still see all of the gorgeous locations in our country on TV. You will become aware of the vast potential of Cambodia’s tourism industry when you see the cultural, historical, natural and artificially enhanced destinations from Ratanakkiri to Koh Kong. Furthermore, if you do get a chance to go on holiday you will have plenty of ideas for where to go.

Cinema: Sorya

Some people prefer watching films in the cinema rather than at home, and in my opinion Cinema Sorya is the best place to go see a movie on the big screen. With comfortable seats and a fresh atmosphere, you are sure to enjoy your experience at Cinema Sorya whether or not the movie is any good. Sit down with your friends or your sweetheart and enjoy the relatively high quality of the film being screened and the sounds blasting from the speaker system. Like its only competitor Ciné Lux, Cinema Sorya shows both local and imported movies. Currently, the new Khmer film House Spirit Hates Gays is being screened at Cinema Sorya in Sorya shopping center.

Website: Youtube.com

YouTube is the world’s most popular video-sharing website. It has just about every type of movie you could think of, and it is super-easy to search and browse. You can sort movies by their genre and subject matter, but also by their popularity and user rating, so you will know which films you need to check out. As more people join YouTube’s community and submit their own videos, YouTube is also becoming a great source for seeing the most important events of the day as soon as they happen. If you haven’t seen this awesome site already check it out for music videos, movie trailers, clips from TV shows and other hilarious videos.

Weekend activity: Watching movies together

There is nothing like a long week at school or work to get you wound up and stressed out, and one of the best ways to relax is to chill out with some friends, lie back and watch a movie. Get together with some of your favourite people, stop by one of the country’s many DVD shops and flip through the movies until you find one you all want to watch. You can choose a science-fiction, romantic comedy or horror movie depending on your mood. Find a comfortable place for everyone to relax, and when the movie is finished you can discuss what you have just seen. Afterwards you can discuss the message of the film, talk about what parts of the movie stood out for you and share various new ideas. You certainly won’t regret this use of your free time.

Movie snack: Fresh fruit

If you are going to get comfortable and sit down for more than two hours, you need to prepare yourself for the hunger that will surely ensue. Though popcorn is thought of as the best snack for watching a movie, and is certainly delicious, I say why not stick with fresh fruit. Regardless of where you are watching the movie, there is surely a fruit seller nearby, and there is not a healthier alternative out there. Fresh fruit such as mangos, pineapple and papaya may not be associated with watching a movie, but unlike popcorn, candy and soda, they provide lots of vitamins and minerals instead of just making you fat.

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