As election campaigning begins, Prime Minister Hun Sen, as leader of the Cambodian People's Party (CPP), is confident that the populace will re-elect the CPP on July 23 to ensure continuity of the country's development, peace and unity.

On the first day of the campaign period on July 1, which the CPP had set for the celebrations of the 72nd anniversary of its founding, Hun Sen addressed a 70,000-strong crowd gathered at Koh Pich Convention and Exhibition Centre in Phnom Penh, emphasising the significance of the general election as a pivotal political event.

"The people are the architects of their future, electing a political party to guide the nation. The people determine the destiny of the nation and themselves.

"I trust that our compatriots have witnessed Cambodia's progression towards peace, independence, unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity," he said.

"They will re-elect the CPP, enabling me to guide the country for a seventh consecutive term,” he added.

The premier also detailed how the CPP has defended the constitutional monarchy through a liberal, multi-party democratic parliamentary system. He stressed the party's commitment to strengthening and expanding this system to build a robust societal foundation, uphold the rule of law and respect for human rights.

He said the party aims to fortify national unity and eliminate any politics or extremist activities inciting national division, social chaos and political instability.

The CPP, he added, also pledges to uphold national unity regardless of race, colour, age, gender, language, religious beliefs, political tendencies, origin, social status, resources or other factors, as per the Constitution in order to maintain peace, political stability, and social achievements.

In terms of foreign policy, he affirmed that the party will uphold an independent stance, working to defend the national sovereignty and territorial integrity against external interference, while fostering relations with countries and international organisations globally.

Yang Peou, secretary-general of the Royal Academy of Cambodia, highlighted the CPP's success in guiding the nation towards peace and development since the UN-administered 1993 election.

"For the upcoming election, the CPP has a clear strategy, and the party's platform will certainly garner public support," he noted.