The Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU) on July 28 reported an influx of asset and liability declarations, noting that July saw as many as 300 submissions. 

This marked a noteworthy response to its call for financial transparency.

Earlier this month, on July 11, the body released a list of five high-profile figures who had yet to disclose their assets and liabilities. "Your urgent attention to the submission of this document is required," reads the formal notice from the ACU at the time, subtly stressing the importance and urgency of the matter.

The notice warned of the potential repercussions of non-compliance. As per Article 38 of the anti-corruption law, those who either fail to declare their assets and liabilities or do so inaccurately could face a considerable sentence. The penalties range from one month to a year in jail, along with a financial penalty of 100,000 to two million riel ($25 to $500).

It mentioned the severity for those who outright refuse to declare. They could face a double penalty, raising the stakes and emphasising the seriousness of these legal requirements. This dual punishment aims to act as a deterrent for those considering evasion and underlines the ACU's relentless pursuit for accountability in the sphere of financial assets, it said.