Water resources ministry officials inspect the construction of canals in Banteay Meanchey on May 8. MOWRAM
A team from the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology is accelerating the construction of irrigation infrastructure in the Stung Krasaing area and at Ang Ta Meng and Ang Trapeang Thma in Banteay Meanchey province. The work is being carried out to guarantee water security for all residents and businesses in the province, according to the ministry.
Assigned by water resources Minister Lim Kean Hor, ministry secretary of state Chan Sinath and his colleagues – along with the deputy director of the provincial water resources department – on May 9 visited irrigation construction sites.
“The purpose of the inspections was to accelerate the work ahead of the rainy season, to prepare a report for the minister and to prepare the sites for an upcoming inspection by a senior representative from the Ministry of Economy and Finance,” Chan Sinath said.
The water resource ministry said Kean Hor’s efforts had the full support of the finance ministry and all development partners, including the Asian Development Bank, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and European Investment Bank.
The ministry added that it is making strong efforts to complete the Ang Trapeang Thmor reservoir, which will ensure water security for all sectors in Banteay Meanchey. To achieve this goal, Kean Hor implemented a strategy of capturing water from five nearby areas, and directing its flow into the reservoir.
Ministry spokesman Chan Yutha and provincial water resource department director But Yim Bun Rom could not be reached for comment.