​Body of infant found in river | Phnom Penh Post

Body of infant found in river


Publication date
22 November 2011 | 05:01 ICT

Reporter : Khoun Leakhana

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The body of a three-month-old girl was pulled from the Tonle Sap River yesterday by a fisherman in Phnom Penh’s Daun Penh district.

A security guard along the river said the baby’s body was reeled in by a fisherman yesterday afternoon after it was caught on his line.

She said the baby appeared to be severely mutilated, with her head cut off above the eyebrows, her body severely bruised and her feet bound together.

Police in Phsar Kandal I commune said they could not provide details about the case until they had time to investigate it.

A 40-year-old tourist, who asked to be identified only as Mom, said she was horrified by the cruelty of the crime.

“I nearly fainted after seeing this baby was killed in such a cruel way. This case can only involve someone who has a mental illness,” she said.

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