Demining operators from the Cambodian Mine Action Centre (CMAC) have neutralised three Mark 82 (Mk82) aerial bombs which were discovered in Kampong Speu and neighbouring Kandal provinces. Each of the US bombs weighed approximately 230kg.

CMAC director general Heng Ratana announced on March 12 that CMAC officials were alerted to the presence of the huge bombs by property developers in Kandal province’s Sa’ang and Kandal Stung districts, after excavation work at two separate sights uncovered them.

The third bomb, he explained, was found in Kampong Speu province’s Samrong Tong district by villagers who were dredging a canal to bring water to their community.

CMAC specialists were immediately dispatched to the three locations to remove the bombs.

“The three bombs were explosive remnants of war [ERW], dropped from aircraft in the 1970s. They were removed between March 3 and 10,” said Ratana.

“Because of their deteriorated condition, they could have exploded at any time. It’s fortunate that the earthworks that uncovered them did not trigger their fuses. The Mk82 is a powerful bomb, and is capable of destroying machinery, people, animals and homes,” he added.

According to Ratana, the three bombs were transported to a safe place and then neutralised though the careful removal of their explosive filling.

“I urge anyone who is beginning a development project, or anyone who suspects that their land may be concealing mines or ERWs, to seek assistance from CMAC before beginning any earthworks. This is the best way to avoid any needless casualties,” he said.

The law states that land must be cleared by demining authorities before it can be developed.

According to CMAC, in the first two months of 2024, five people became casualties of landmines and ERWs. Three of the injured suffered amputations, while the remaining two were less seriously harmed. Three of the tragic occurrences happened in Pursat province, while Banteay Meanchey and Battambang each recorded one incident.