The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training calls on enterprise owners with foreign employees to apply for work permits and workbooks. The call came during inspections of foreign employees’ work status on-site, as stated in its May 31 letter.
The ministry noted that past inspections of work status were interpreted differently by enterprise owners, foreigners and inspectors. To address this, enterprise owners and foreign employees are now required to apply for permits and workbooks through the website
In the letter, the ministry outlined the following requirements: Firstly, if enterprise owners or foreign employees apply for permits or workbooks through the website, they will receive level-one approval from the ministry’s specialised unit. This will be considered compliance with the Labour Law, and no fines will be imposed for the permits.
Secondly, within 20 days of inspecting the employment status of foreigners, enterprise owners or non-Cambodian workers must provide proof of their application, such as payment receipts or the permits/workbooks themselves. Failure to do so will result in legal action by the inspectors.
“The ministry strongly hopes inspectors will diligently follow these instructions,” stated the letter.
Preah Sihanouk provincial governor Kuoch Chamroeun announced that the provincial administration will cooperate with the ministry and will send provincial police officers and gendarmerie to assist with the inspection of foreign employees’ work status.
“This inspection will enhance security and order in managing the overall work status. Although lacking in this operation, relevant officials must cooperate and inspect foreign employees’ work status within the province,” Chamroeun stated.
He further urged responsible and transparent planning to manage foreigners’ accommodations and minimise offences. Companies that have made self-declarations in the province will also be subject to inspection.
Owners of companies, hotels and casinos in Preah Sihanouk province have been told to make accurate and transparent self-declarations. Chamroeun warned that foreigners found without work permits will be fined in accordance with the law.
Since 2000, the ministries of interior and labour have collaborated to inspect the work status of foreign employees in enterprises and establishments. These inspections aim to minimise and eradicate the use of illegal foreign labour. However, they do not disrupt or disturb foreigners who are living and working legally in Cambodia.