Police are searching for suspects responsible for planting over 200 marijuana plants in Preah Bat Chonchum commune, Kiri Vong district, in Takeo province. They burned the plants on Saturday and destroyed four water containers found at the site.

Kirivong district police chief Yuk Sarath told The Post on Monday the operation found marijuana in eight locations, but he did not know the exact number of plants. But another officer who asked to remain anonymous told The Post they found about 200 plants.

“The location was on a slope and the offenders secretly grew the plants on a small parcel of land there. It was hard for us to find them on the mountain,” he said.

The operation started at 7am on Saturday in Preah Bat Chonchum commune on over 1,518sq km. The offenders escaped and police are searching for them, he said.

Takeo provincial deputy police chief Chheang Sun said on Monday the illegal marijuana plantation was well-hidden.

“We cannot identify the suspects yet because they left before authorities arrived,” he said.