Minister of Information Neth Pheaktra has urged Cambodia-China Friendship Radio (CCFR) to increase its broadcast content about Cambodia, aiming to foster mutual promotion of each other’s culture, civilisation and economic pursuits

Pheaktra advocated for the expansion of broadcasts in a September 27 meeting with Yao Shiya, managing director of CCFR under the China Media Group (CMG), aiming to deepen the people's comprehension of Chinese cultural traditions while reciprocally promoting Chinese understanding of Khmer culture.

"[Pheaktra] requested CCFR to augment broadcasts about the Kingdom, with a particular focus on Cambodia-China cooperation in tourism and investment," said the ministry.

Pheaktra has given the green light for the radio station to extend its broadcasts through various platforms, including the ministry's app and its news agency AKP. This is in addition to the existing collaboration with the National Radio of Cambodia (RNK) and National Television of Cambodia (TVK), aiming to offer a diverse range of broadcasts for people both within and outside the country.

The move seeks to bolster the comprehensive cooperation between the two governments, particularly aligning with China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

Pheaktra noted that CCFR was established to exchange arts, culture and information, deepen bilateral ties and promote mutual understanding, fostering connections between the people of both countries.

Yao Shiya confirmed that broadcasting officially commenced in 2008, a result of the collaboration between China’s CMG and the ministry’s RNK.

She highlighted that CMG, encompassing entities such as CCTV and CGTN, ranks among the world's largest media outlets, capturing the attention of over 1.4 billion Chinese and billions of international enthusiasts regularly.

Serving as a multifaceted information platform for Khmer language audience, CCFR provides a mix of news content, music and radio programmes.