​National Geographic right about Phnom Penh | Phnom Penh Post

National Geographic right about Phnom Penh


Publication date
04 November 2008 | 15:01 ICT

Reporter : Moeun Chhean Nariddh

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Phnom Penh

Dear Editor,

In the article "Phnom Penh rated the second-worst city in the world to visit", October 22, we feel like this rating by the National Geographic Society's Center for Sustainable Destinations is very correct as far as current development is concerned.

Personally, my family is now badly affected by the double problems caused by the city development, particularly the filling of Boeung Kak.

First, the filling of the lake has disturbed the grave of my eldest sister who was buried on a tiny island in the middle of the lake after she died as a baby some 60 years ago.

Second, the dumping of sewage water from the lake has flooded my and other people's houses and schools in Russey Keo district. The sewage water brings human faeces, rotting rats and swarms of mosquito eggs into our houses.

One of my neighbours had to hire a crane to lift his car out of the house, because he could not drive through the deep sewage.

One of my sons has not been able to go to school since Monday due to the flooding.

If the developers do not stop pumping sewage water with human faeces into our home, I will suspend my other son's schooling and send them to live with their grandmother in Kampong Cham to avoid getting sick.

Actually, we favour any kind of development, but it should be done in a fair and sustainable manner.

Our houses would not be flooded if the developers pumped the sewage water from Boeung Kak slowly until the dry season comes in the next few weeks

To improve the next National Geographic rating, there should be a more sustainable and fair plan to develop Phnom Penh and the rest of Cambodia.

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