The National Social Security Fund (NSSF) and relevant ministries are ready to present a draft sub-decree aimed at broadening the scope of social security schemes covering occupational risk and healthcare for public servants.

The proposal, comprising five chapters and nine articles, is set for government deliberation following the conclusion of the review process.

Heng Sophannarith, deputy director-general of NSSF, said on December 13 that during a meeting on December 12, the NSSF Legal Affairs Working Group, along with partner ministries and institutions, wrapped up the assessment of the draft sub-decree. Post-inspection, a comprehensive report will be submitted to the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Upon approval by the ministry, the draft sub-decree will proceed for government evaluation, decision and approval.

He said this draft sub-decree serves as a vital supplement to address the gaps outlined in the Law on Social Security. It plays a necessary role in extending the reach of social security and various NSSF benefits to political officials at all levels, irrespective of their political affiliations and without any form of discrimination.

In particular, officials from across the country who are actively engaged in providing direct services to the public stand to benefit. Currently, their group has solely received equity funds.

“For transparency, we’re asking the government to issue NSSF cards to them. Through this draft sub-decree, our aim is to broaden coverage to government members, such as secretaries of state, undersecretaries of state, and assistant advisers, not covered by the Law on the Common Statute of Civil Servants,” Sophannarith said.

Chhort Bunthang, a researcher at the Royal Academy of Cambodia, said the National Assembly is prepared to consider government efforts in public welfare. This includes the health and well-being of those in civil service dedicated to serving the public. Historically, only private sector workers and civil servants had NSSF cards. 

“I believe it would be immensely beneficial to broaden the scope because the government genuinely cares about individuals who consistently serve the nation at all levels, from the national to the grassroots. Swift approval from the government would bring new hope not only to officials but also to other public servants,” he said.