Prime Minister Hun Sen has suggested that authorities identify Facebook users who posted messages insulting him and hold them accountable. He described the posts as not being an act of freedom of expression but an "unforgivable incitement".

This followed a series of allegedly insulting messages which featured pictures of the premier and his family members. The posts were from a Facebook account named Daley Uy, purportedly a member of an overseas opposition group.

While meeting with garment workers on June 24 at Morodok Techo National Stadium, Hun Sen explained that his son had taken pictures at a social gathering and posted them to social media. Opposition groups abroad, particularly in the US state of Texas, had posted the pictures and made insulting comments suggesting that he did not care for the country and instead mess around.

He advised National Police deputy director Lieutenant General Chhay Sinarith to search for the account users, especially for commenters from within Cambodia, and pursue legal action.

“This group is far too corrupt, so we cannot forgive them,” he said.

“Yesterday, Sinarith conducted the search to see how many commenters were from inside the country. They need to be educated, as they were not exercising their right to freedom of expression but inciting unrest,” he added.