On August 17-18, the Pursat provincial Department of Environment played host to an informational workshop, which showcased a training manual on leadership for gender equality within the realm of natural resource management.

Presided over by Prum Sophy – undersecretary of state at the Ministry of Environment and head of its Gender and Children Working Group – the event also saw the participation of the country director of the Regional Community Forestry Training Centre (RECOFTC) along with 38 other representatives from various departments.

The workshop aimed to enhance understanding and propagation of gender-inclusive leadership and the responsible exercise of power. It also focused on bolstering the skills of trainers and relevant personnel, guiding them on the use of the training manual and the lesson content.

The creation of this training manual was a collaborative effort between the Gender Working Group and the RECOFTC team.

Financial backing for the workshop came from the Packard Foundation, as part of their broader initiative supporting the community protected area network.

This initiative has a twofold purpose: to ameliorate community livelihoods and to champion natural resource conservation.