The platform enables the public to establish virtual schools and develop courses on the website. MoEYS
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport has launched Sala Digital, an online learning platform aimed at supporting formal education in Cambodia.
Education minister Hang Chuon Naron announced on February 6 that the platform aligns with the country’s digital education landscape and the 2023-35 digital government policy, focusing on inclusivity, quality and efficiency.
“This innovative platform enables the public to establish virtual schools and develop courses on the website for students to engage in self-study freely, at any time and from any location,” he said.
“The ‘digital school’ facilitates user searches for documents across all grade levels, from kindergarten to higher education, through keyword, subject category, course type and grade level filters,” Chuon Naron said.
He also urged both public and private educational institutions to make use of the platform by accessing sala.moeys.gov.kh to create virtual schools, courses and share students’ and professors’ research to enhance online Khmer Language resources for studying, research and self-learning.
Kong Samneang, head of the Federation of Education Services in Cambodia, stated his support for the portal on February 7.
“Promoting youth capacity building is crucial because capable young people serve as vital resources for economic growth. The ministry should further promote the Sala Digital platform to facilitate more effective learning and sharing among students and teachers,” he said.
Ministry spokesperson Khuon Vicheka stated that the ministry initiated the service’s pilot phase in December 2023. He added there are currently almost 90,000 users across 62 schools, with access to nearly 1,850 textbooks and 118 lessons.