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Thanks for the help ... not


Publication date
27 February 2004 | 07:00 ICT

Reporter : Sam Ramsek

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Remember when the Indian experts received money from international donors in favor

of Cambodia? They cleaned the Angkor Wat Temple.

As the result, during the last few years, we, as visitors to Angkor Wat, find that

the sculptures along the stone wall became fine sand-like and have been crumbling

down due to the sandblast process that the Indian experts used. All fine details

of every sculptures became so dull looking. It is now hard to see the details such

as eyes, noses, ears, etc.

It is very shameful that this is happening to such beautiful handcraft left to us

by our ancestors, which have lasted for over one thousand years. Until now.

This current generation of Cambodian government officials decided to hire some foreign

experts (along with international dollars) to destroy our national patrimonies.

My question is: how much money do our government officials receive from these projects?

They have been destroying the Temple of Angkor. Now they will continue to destroy

Ta Prom also?

Sam Ramsek - President of Khmer Heritage Foundation

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