Pich Sophoan, permanent secretary of state at the labour ministry, has officially launched the National TVET E-Learning Platform to address distance and online teaching and learning. LABOUR MINISTRY
The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training has officially launched the National TVET E-Learning Platform to address distance and online teaching and learning in the event that it may be needed again during the Covid-19 pandemic and to prepare for any future disruptions in classroom learning.
The launch ceremony for the National TVET E-Learning Platform was held online on November 24 with more than 800 people in attendance from the ministries, provincial training committees, technical and vocational education and training institutions, the private sector and various development partners.
According to the announcement by the ministry about the official launch stated that the platform they developed is a national system of remote technical and vocational education and training that can be used on both tablets and smartphones.
Development of the platform was supported in part by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.
The announcement added that national system was set up to address challenges with distance and online teaching and learning for professors, technicians and students during the pandemic as well as to open up another new learning channel in the field of technical and vocational education and training that will prove useful regardless of Covid-19.
“This national system contains content like lessons, videos, tutorials, e-lessons, self-assessment tests, study materials and other general knowledge information related to technical and vocational education and training in Cambodia,” the announcement stated.
Pich Sophoan, permanent secretary of state at the labour ministry, told The Post that all trainees, student, parents and the general public can access the TVET E-Learning program for free via the Android Play Store, the iOS App Store and the App Gallery or they can visit: www.tot-elearning.com
Sophoan said Cambodia has 57 technical and vocational education and training institutions under the purview of the ministry that can make use of this national system for teaching and learning online.
Sophoan said 31,529 students were already enrolled in the national system with 3,522 lessons and video lessons available now and nearly 10,000 people have already downloaded the app.
Houy Muy, a first-year student at the Institute of Industrial Technology, has begun studying through the TVET E-Learning app. She said the system was convenient for her and for other students studying technical and vocational training because it provides a lot of lessons and learning content including information that they are interested in learning about but isn’t part of the official curriculum for their programme.
“It makes it easy for students to read their lessons in advance whether the school is open or not. We also benefit because the platform has all kinds of lessons from many different schools so we can explore different topics and learn about them on our own,” she said.