Prime Minister Hun Manet emphasised the crucial role of the youth in driving the national effort for development across all sectors and encouraged them to continue their exemplary contributions towards nation-building.

Manet made the remarks while presiding over the closing ceremony of the central committee meeting of the Union of Youth Federations of Cambodia (UYFC) on March 14, which aimed to assess the strengths, weaknesses and challenges the group faces.

“Youth are playing a central role in leading the national effort to develop the country by continuing to sustain our current achievements, create further positive accomplishments and establish a firm foundation for these successes for future generations,” he remarked.

The premier noted that the federation’s primary task is to devise appealing, empathetic, creative and flexible methods to motivate youth to engage in the national cause, joining hands on a path of peace, development and progress, in unity with the Cambodian youth community.

“Building a modern, robust, independent, peaceful, free, equal, democratic and productive society is crucial to strengthening the backbone of our national economy,” he stated.

He advised the youth to maintain their strong spirit, determination and activities that positively influence their mindset and behaviour, noting their continued role in nurturing and developing the nation. 

Manet praised their love for the nation, joining the government in the first phase of the Pentagonal Strategy.

He commended the federation for fully and effectively participating in the Nation Building and Defence strategy for 2023-28, highlighting that all members have dedicated their strength, time and resources to the plan.

“These efforts truly reflect a solid spirit of brotherly solidarity. We think together, act together, are responsible together and are deeply committed to championing the cause of the nation and its people,” he added.

Chhort Bunthang, Cultural Relations, Tourism and Education research officer at the Royal Academy of Cambodia, likened the youth to “bamboo shoots”.

He explained that the youth are akin to these sprouts, indicating the need for them to succeed the older generation as it reaches retirement age or passes away.

He emphasised that young people must do everything possible to uphold the country’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. 

Bunthang emphasised that they should continue to foster peace, security, development, progress and social harmony, and enhance the current situation for further growth.

“In order to improve nation-building, I believe that youth need to become well-rounded individuals. They should nurture a love for themselves, family members, relatives, friends and the nation as a whole, including the land and the environment,” he stated.

He stressed that the youth must be virtuous, moral and discerning in order to assume responsibility.

“They need to be healthy, fit, skilled and intelligent. This is essential for them to effectively contribute as producers, creators and developers in various economic sectors and beyond. Our young people can become valuable human resources for the development of our entire society,” Bunthang added.

Hun Many, minister of civil service and president of the UYFC, characterised the meeting as productive and a source of pride, saying the federation would energetically continue to uphold and protect peace while serving the nation and its people.