​Skeletons at a concert rather than in the closet | Phnom Penh Post

Skeletons at a concert rather than in the closet

Police blotter

Publication date
14 March 2014 | 08:12 ICT

Reporter : Phak Seangly

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A 27-year-old Takeo man who had picked up tickets for a fun night out at a concert in the province’s Tramkak district on Wednesday got more than he bargained for.

Standing behind him in the crowd was a 24-year-old man he’d attacked at a wedding party a month prior. Revenge was had in the form of a glass to the head before the suspect scuttled off home.

He was picked up by police and confessed. The men in blue told him he should have come to them, instead of seeking revenge. RASMEI KAMPUCHEA

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